Web Design

Descriere (continut unic):

care comunica, conecteaza si atrag clientii dumneavoastra

Descriere (continut unic):

Servicii complete de web development, design site web, design grafic si promovare online. Preturi imbatabile! Site-uri de prezentare, magazine online, mentenanta, administrare site, CRM-uri, site-uri orientate client! Site-uri profesionale pentru proiectele Start-Up Nation 2019! Site-uri profesioanle pentru proiecte cu finantare europeana! Meniuri Restaurante, Cafenele, brosuri, design logo si alte creatii de design grafic!

Descriere (continut unic):

Sfaturi si recomandari, cunostinte, resurse, idei si cele mai bune practici privind strategia de marketing, web design & development, seo, identitate vizuala, branding si dezvoltare profesionala.

Descriere (continut unic):

Va oferim servicii de web design , grafica, aplicații, social media, etc.

Descriere (continut unic):

Oferim Servicii Seo si Web Design de calitate. Echipa de profesionisti cu experinta va ofera solutii optime pentru Creare Site Web si Aplicatii.

Descriere (continut unic):

O echipa de oameni pasionati de online, care dau viata ideilor tale si confera valoare potentialului de dezvoltare in mediul online al afacerii tale. Apeleaza la profesionisti!
Realizam site-uri web pentru orice fel de nisa: site-uri de prezentare, magazine online, platforme web, site-uri pentru medici, clinici, avocati, site-uri prin licitatii SEAP etc. De asemenea, imbinam totul cu servicii de marketing si SEO orientate spre client si rezultate.
Noi dam viata ideilor tale!

0784 188 745
Piata Romana nr. 9, Bucuresti, Sectorul 1
Descriere (continut unic):

CrissRosu is a designer of feminine luxury brands, and they are driven by a desire to help female business owners demonstrate the value of their products through attractive brand architecture. They prioritize creativity, progress, wisdom, and balance as their personal values. In order to help female-led enterprises develop a feminine brand and boost their profitability, CrissRosu is a talented brand designer and illustrator.

Creating feminine branding, custom illustrations, fashion illustrations, and brand designs are CrissRosu’s areas of expertise. She offers a distinctive blend of services that distinguishes her in the field thanks to her expertise in weddings, photography, and stationery.
CrissRosu is a leader in web design, brand design, and feminine branding with a focus on custom illustration and fashion illustration. Her background in stationery, photography, and weddings enables her to produce stunning and distinctive artwork that goes well with her brand concepts.

CrissRosu is a feminine brand designer who specializes in fashion illustration and brand design with an emphasis on developing feminine brands and custom graphics. Her experience in weddings, photography, and stationery gives her a distinctive viewpoint that enables her to produce truly original designs.
Women’s branding, brand design, web design, bespoke illustration, and fashion illustration are just a few of the services provided by CrissRosu. She specializes in weddings, photography, and stationery and uses these skills to produce amazing artwork that distinguishes her brand designs.